
Help make a difference to your community

Creston Valley Search & Rescue is an entirely not-for-profit volunteer lead organisation aiming to provide an important life-saving service to the public, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day.

We rely on funding from many sources, such as BCSARA and the provincial government, but most importantly, our community.

Without the support of the community, we would not be able to provide this essential and life-saving service to the Creston Valley and surrounding area.

How can you help?

Make A Donation to BCsara

Join our amazing donors and assist us in helping the community. Be sure to direct your donation to Creston Valley Search & Rescue.

Browse Our Wishlist

Browse our Amazon wishlist and help us get the products we need to do the job!

Where your donations go

Equipment & Vehicles

Search & Rescue maintains a fleet of vehicles for our rescue operations and efforts which need to ready to go at a moments notice and at peak reliability.

Member Training

Training is one of the largest expenses to a Search & Rescue team, ensuring our team is fully trained and up to date is essential to having a capable and competent team.

Operating Expenses

Like all organisations, Search and Rescue has many operational expenses to keep the lights on and our volunteers on the road, trained and safe.

Community Partners

Creston Valley Search & Rescue is assisted by a number of local organisations. We would like to thank the Creston businesses following their support and contributions.

Hello Agency

Business Description

Summit Cycles & Sport

Business Description

Elevate Mountain Lifestyles

Business Description

Kootenay Employment Services

Business Description

Town of Creston

Business Description

Buy Local Creston

Business Description